Choosing your university accommodation ought to be the great and fun part when applying for a university but sadly there are so many factors to be considered making it stressful. Most students seeking Birmingham University Accommodations prefer staying in the university halls with their fellow freshers in order to socialize and make new friends. These halls of residence appeal a lot to most parents as they offer more security to their children due to the presence of wardens and entry systems that use swipe cards.
A number of these halls of residences are owned by the university while others are owned and run by property management companies on behalf of the universities. There are also some privately-owned halls of residences that are open to a larger clientele. These types of residences offer students with the option of choosing rooms that look nice but at an extra cost. Most universities including Birmingham University guarantee accommodation to all first year students. However, this does not apply to the late entrants who are admitted via the Clearing system whereby applicants are matched with the unfilled places. The rooms are also offered on a first come first served basis and students ought to apply as soon as possible.
What Next for Students who Miss Birmingham University Accommodations?
If your child is joining the Birmingham University but unfortunately they did not get accommodation at the university halls of residences, there are various options that you will have to consider. There are a number of privately-owned and University-owned halls of residences where your child can get accommodation albeit off-campus. Here are some of the factors you have to consider when choosing the best Birmingham University accommodations.
Catered or Self-catered Accommodation
When choosing university accommodations, you have to make the choice between catered and self-catered halls. However, according to a NUS survey conducted on university accommodations, most universities are in the process of closing the catered halls. This is due to lack of demand and they only make about 15% of the available rooms. Universities offering catered accommodations always insist on students taking their meals at a specific time which is quite a challenge for those who have other engagements during these set meal times.
Self-catered accommodation gets rid of missing meals that you have already paid for. You will have the freedom to make your own meals in the kitchen area provided by the halls proprietors. Most of them offer students with a fully fitted kitchen, freezers, fridge as well as dining tables and chairs. As long as you are able to cook for yourself, the self-catered option is the best as you have a choice of what you eat and take healthy meals.
Proximity to the University
Proximity to your campus is another important factor that most students consider when choosing the most suitable Birmingham University accommodations. You should choose an accommodation that is near your campus in order to reduce on the amount of time you use to get there daily. It will also eradicate the transportation costs that you will be incurring everyday when traveling to campus and back. It also ensures your safety and security as you walk or cycle to and from class. Proximity to a mode of public transport is another important consideration to make before settling for a particular hall of residence.
Fast Reliable Internet Connection and Budget
A number of private halls have Wi-Fi connection while others rely on the university internet connection via cables. You can base you decision on the halls of residence you will live in depending on the kind of internet they provide especially if your course requires a lot of internet use. It is important to consider looking for accommodation that is within your budget in order to avoid running into financial trouble. The internet can assist you in finding the right accommodation for you around Birmingham University. Your budget will determine whether you live in a single room or shared rooms.
Bottom Line
When looking for Birmingham University accommodations, ensure that you choose student apartments that are well-facilitated. Make sure they are within a walking distance to your campus and close to a public means of transport. If you are looking for the perfect university accommodation in Birmingham, you should consider checking out Cadnam Hall in Harborne. It has student rooms designed in such a way that they have everything any studying person requires. Everything at this hall has been designed in a way that they keep up with the student’s needs and tastes in perspective.